English 2033-01 American Literature Until 1865: Cultural Collisions Make a New World
Time: 11:00-11:50 am MWF
22 August – 7 December 2015 (Fall 2016)
Classroom: BC RISH 009
Course Wiki: http://bcamliti.pbworks.com
Professor: Dr. Abigail Heiniger
Office: 002 Rish Hall
Office Hours: MWF 8-8:55, 10-10:55; MW 2-2:30; TH 2-2:25, 3:45-4:15
Phone: 276.326.4275
Email: aheiniger@bluefield.edu
ENG 2033 Fall 2016 Heiniger.pdf
Registration Information
Last day to ADD or WITHDRAW from course without a “W” is 29 August 2016.
Last day to WITHDRAW from course is 11 November 2016
Course Description
The evolution of American literature is an integral part of the construction of national identity in America. English 2033 explores the relationship between text and culture. The main goals of the course are (1) to have students engage in the close reading of both fiction and non-fiction by American authors; (2) to introduce students to the major themes and issues in American literature before 1865; (3) to understand American literature within a broader regional and national context; and (4) to teach students to articulate their analysis of these texts through writing.
To achieve these goals, the course places considerable emphasis upon the relationship between reading and writing. Literary analysis and close reading skills will be practiced individually in-class exercises, discussed in class, and utilized in a final paper and class presentations.
The course will also utilize a modified flipped classroom approach. On Mondays, students are responsible for listening to lectures online and doing course work and close reading exercises during class.
This course also attempts to contextualize and connect works of American writers, positioning the discourse about American literature as it emerged through cultural collisions in both regional and national contexts. Quizzes and exams will be designed to evaluate students' abilities to make these connections as well as assess basic comprehension of the materials.
Section Description
More specifically, our class will take up the above objectives on three levels:
- We will engage the critical and theoretical aspects of American literature in class presentations in which students will introduce one of the secondary texts to the class.
- The pragmatic process of close reading and literary analysis (how to write about American literature) will be accomplished through the final paper and through journals that respond to specific reading questions.
- The questions and responses will be discussed in class along with techniques for close reading and literary analysis. As a college-level course, it is expected that students will adhere to the mechanics of composition (grammar, sentence structure, arrangement, etc.).
- The final paper and presentation will utilize the close reading and literary analysis skill that students learn throughout the year along. It will also have a research element - students will be expected to consult three or more scholarly secondary sources for their final paper (which will be revised and edited during the course of the semester).
- The presentation will be online. It will demonstrate student’s ability to use online media.
- Finally, basic comprehension of reading materials for the course will be measured in quizzes and exams throughout the course of the semester. Since this is a survey course, exams will make up a large portion of the final grade.
The bulk of your final grades will be based on the class presentation, weekly journals, quizzes, exams, the final paper, and the final presentation (of the final paper).
Learning Objectives
There are four primary learning objectives for this course:
- to introduce students to the major themes and issues developing in American literature before 1865
- to contextual American literature within the cultural collisions taking place in American culture before the Civil War
- to teach students to engage in close reading and literary analysis
- to teach students to articulate literary analysis through writing
Texts and Supplies
Bluefield College has partnered with Rafter360 in a textbook rental and materials program. There is a link in the student tab of MyBC which connects students directly to their Rafter360 dashboard. The dashboard provides a multitude of information, including which textbooks are being provided for each course of your courses, your name, student ID number, shipping address (to be updated by you) and more. For online courses, students will print shipping labels at the end of the semester from the Rafter360 dashboard to return their rented textbooks. Additional information is available on the College website. Questions regarding the Rafter360 program may be directed to BC Central.
All required texts are available at the campus bookstore.
- Weekly Quizzes, In-Class Writing Assignments and Participation (due during class - worth 100 pts/10% of total)
- Exams (400 pts/ 40% of total)
- Short Film Paper (100 pts/ 10% of total)
- Close Reading Paper (100 pts/10% of total)
- Final Presentation (50 pts/ 5% of total)
- Final Paper - (250pts/ 25% of total)
TOTAL = 1000 pts
All written work is to adhere to MLA guidelines (available online through the Purdue OWL website).
All Assignments and Due Dates listed on the Assignments page of the class wiki.
Quizzes and Participation
This is a discussion-based class. Attendance and participation in discussion is mandatory. Participation and quizzes (given randomly throughout the semester) cannot be made up except in the case of a university-accepted excused absence. Close reading writing assignments will also be assigned throughout the semester to build close reading skills as well as writing under pressure skills. Quizzes and participation (including in-class writing assignments) are worth 10% of the final grade (100 pts).
The majority of the final grade depends upon the three exams and a final exam. Attendance on exam dates is mandatory; exams cannot be made up except in the case of a university-accepted excused absence.
The purpose of the paper is to transform one of the early texts from our readings into a feature-length film or television miniseries. Identify one central theme from the text that you want to convey to the audience and explain how all your filming choices from camera angle to setting convey that central theme. Use the material from the Visual Thinking resource page to support your close reading. The paper must be 3-5 pages long (MLA style - 12 point, Times New Roman, Double Spaced).
The close reading paper utilizes the close reading skills practiced in class and is worth 10% of the final grade. For this paper, students will do a close reading of a text from the course. The close reading paper will form the basis of the final paper. It must be unified around a thesis or statement of purpose. The paper must be 3-5 pages long (MLA style - 12 point, Times New Roman, Double Spaced). Student should use the “Close Reading Guide” posted on the course wiki for support. Specific guidelines and due dates can be found on Assignments, the Close Reading Paper page (on the course wiki).
The final paper is worth 25% of the final grade and the Online Presentation is worth 5% of the final grade. For the final paper (8-12pp), students will do build on their close reading of one or more of the texts read in class. Students must develop a thesis guide their analysis and close reading based on one of the assigned class themes (or another theme approved by the instructor). This thesis will also be supported with research from at least three scholarly sources utilized in the course. Students will work on and revise this paper throughout the semester. Specific guidelines and due dates can be found on Assignments, the Final Paper Guidelines page, and the Online Presentation page (on the course wiki).
Students will give a ten-minute presentation of their final paper for their final presentation.
Rough Draft Workshops and Conferences
For each of our major projects, we will have a peer review workshop or conference between the rough draft and final draft deadlines. Failure to participate in the rough draft workshop or attend conferences for a project (by absence OR by failing to complete your rough draft and/or participate in the peer critique of others' drafts) will result in a 10% deduction in the grade of final draft of that project.
Grading Papers
English 2033 uses the official grading scale included on MyBC: A 100-94%; A- 93-90%; B+ 89%: B 88-84%; B- 83-80%; C+ 79%; C 78-74%; C- 73-70%, D+ 69%; D 68-64%; D- 63-60%; F 59% and below. Although some questions on quizzes are simply objective, the general rubric for written responses and for the final paper in our course is as follows:
The "A" Paper
The "A" paper has an excellent sense of purpose. Its aim is clear and consistent throughout the paper. It attends to the needs of its audience and the topic itself is effectively narrowed and clearly defined.
The content is appropriately developed for the assignment and the text it is analyzing. The supporting details or evidence are convincingly presented. The reasoning is valid and shows an awareness of the complexities of the subject. If secondary sources are used, they are appropriately selected and cited.
The organization demonstrates a clear and effective strategy. The introduction establishes the writer's credibility and the conclusion effectively completes the essay: paragraphs are coherent, developed, and show effective structural principles.
The expression is very clear, accessible, concrete. It displays ease with idiom and a broad range of diction. It shows facility with a great variety of sentence options and the punctuation and subordinate structures that these require. It has few errors, none of which seriously undermines the effectiveness of the paper for educated readers.
The "B" Paper
The "B" paper has a good sense of purpose. It shows awareness of purpose and focuses on a clearly defined topic.
The content is well developed and the reasoning usually valid and convincing. Evidence and supporting details are adequate.
The organization is clear and easy to follow: the introduction and conclusion are effective, and transitions within and between paragraphs are finessed reasonably well.
The paper has few errors, especially serious sentence errors. Sentences show some variety in length, structure, and complexity. Punctuation, grammar, and spelling conform to the conventions of edited Standard American English.
The "C" Paper
The "C" paper has an adequate sense of purpose. Its purpose is clear and it is focused on an appropriate central idea. The topic and analysis may be unoriginal, but the assignment has been followed, if not fulfilled.
The content is adequately developed. The major points are supported, and paragraphs are appropriately divided, with enough specific details to make the ideas clear. The reasoning is valid.
The organization is clear and fairly easy to follow. The introduction and conclusion are adequate; transitions are mechanical but appropriate.
The expression is generally correct, although it shows little competence with sentence variety (in length and structure) and emphasis. The paper is generally free of major sentence and grammar errors and indicates mastery of most conventions of edited Standard American English.
The "D" Paper
The "D" paper has a limited sense of purpose. Its purpose may not be clear, its topic may not be interesting to or appropriate for its audience.
The content is inadequately developed. The evidence is insufficient, and supporting details or examples are absent or irrelevant.
Organization is deficient. Introductions or conclusions are not clearly marked or functional. Paragraphs are not coherently developed or linked to each other. The arrangement of material within paragraphs may be confusing.
Expression demonstrates an awareness of a very limited range of stylistic options. It is marred by numerous errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that detract from a reader’s comprehension of the text.
The "F" Paper
There is no sense of purpose or of the objectives of the assignment as described in the syllabus.
The content is insufficiently developed and does not go beyond the obvious. The reasoning is deeply flawed.
The organization is very difficult to follow. Sentences may not be appropriately grouped into paragraphs, or paragraphs may not be arranged logically. Transitions are not present or are inappropriate.
The number and seriousness of errors—in grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.—significantly obstruct comprehension.
Late Work
I do not accept late work - for your writing to receive credit it must be posted in the appropriate space on the wiki (and in Turnitin) by the deadline, otherwise I will comment on it, but it will not receive credit.
For excused absences...
Since all course work, readings, and lecture notes are posted ahead of time on the course wiki, course work must be made up in advanced and turned in by the time it would be posted in class for excused absences such as games and sporting events. For unexpected excused absences (such as medical emergencies), course work may be made up in a reasonable amount of time after the event.
Papers will only be graded from Turnitin.
Bluefield College Attendance Policy Statement
Regular class attendance is recognized as critical to the teaching and learning process. Students must attend a minimum of 75% of classes in a course to receive academic credit. This college-wide policy serves as the basis for the instructor’s individual attendance policies as described in her or his course syllabi. This policy clarifies the consequences of the student’s decision for not attending class sessions. Instructors will maintain class rolls for all courses. At the discretion of the instructor, unexcused absences can result in severe academic penalties ranging from: academic withdrawal; reductions in course final grades; out-of-class reading assignments with in-class oral reports, to out-of-class meetings with the course instructor. All such penalties must be included in the course syllabi. For this course, 12 absences (class meeting and conferences) will result in failure of the course.
As this is a discussion and workshop-driven class, attendance of all participants is particularly important. You are allowed two unexcused absences; subsequent absences will result in a reduction of your final grade by 5% for each unexcused absence (and missing more than 25% of the course will result in a failing grade). You are also encouraged to make use of office hours.
Please be on time and prepared to learn. In respect for your classmates and professor, once the attendance sheet is passed, you may not sign in and receive credit for attending. You are welcome to stay and listen to the lecture and participate, but it will be marked as an absence. Leaving early without prior permission will also count as an absence.
For excused absences...
Since all course work, readings, and lecture notes are posted ahead of time on the course wiki, course work must be made up in advanced and turned in by the time it would be posted in class for excused absences such as games and sporting events. For unexpected excused absences (such as medical emergencies), course work may be made up in a reasonable amount of time after the event.
N.B. Attendance and participation in class, conferences, and rough draft workshops comprises 10% of the final grade.
Sharing Student Work
English 2033 is a collaborative course, as such we will be sharing our writing throughout the semester as a means to helping each other become better writers and thinkers. To better facilitate this process, I will be using selections of your work during class as examples. If you would prefer that I not use your work, please let me know by the end of the first week of the semester.
Media Policy
I encourage you to use your laptops, computers and Internet connections to search out information relevant to class during class. However, browsing unrelated to the class (as well as other media use - texting, IMing, etc.) will be grounds for expulsion from the course.
I expect professional behavior in the classroom. Please do not allow cell phones or other electronic devices to interrupt class. Please refrain from texting. Repeated interruptions will be held accountable as one unexcused absence.
Academic Dishonesty
Students in this course as in all Bluefield College courses are expected to complete their own assignments and to cite all sources for material they use. See the Bluefield College Student Handbook for information on plagiarism and the Honor Code.
“Honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.” Proverbs, 29:2
Bluefield College is committed to the pursuit of truth, the dissemination of knowledge, and the high ideals of personal honor and respect for the rights of others. These goals can only be achieved in a setting in which intellectual honesty and personal integrity are highly valued and other individuals are respected. This academic code of conduct reflects our corporate and earnest desire to live lives of honor that are above reproach, based upon Christian principles. Each member of the community is called upon to understand and agree to its concepts and to operate within its spirit.
Honor is an ideal and an obligation that exists in the human spirit and lives in the relations between human beings. An honorable person shall not lie or cheat or steal. In all scholarly work produced by community members, academic honesty is inherent and apparent, the work being the original work of the author unless credit is given through the use of citations and references.
In all relationships, the college community expects respect and integrity between its members and toward all peoples and organizations. Honesty and civility are required elements of an effective learning environment. Truthfulness and respect for others are shared values of Bluefield College and are expected characteristics of its members
Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of ideas and information from sources without proper citation and documentation (e.g., copying from texts or pasting from websites without quoting, and not providing a complete list of Works Cited). Students are required to sign a plagiarism statement, declaring all work is original.
In English 2033, the first instance of plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the entire assignment. Any subsequent infringements will result in a failure of the course. See the Bluefield Honor Code for more information.
To prevent and detect plagiarism in this course, all major assignments will be submitted to SafeAssign on Blackboard.
Incomplete Policy
I generally do not allow “Incompletes,” it is the responsibility of students to complete all work in a timely fashion; failure to do so will be reflected in the student’s grade unless that student withdraws from the course. Exceptions to this policy are rare and will be decided on a case-by-case basis. If you decide to leave the course, be sure to withdraw within the allotted time. Failure to do so will demand a failing grade at the semester’s end.
For dual enrollment students, remember that you have enrolled in a college level course with high expectations. Each course is different in its requirements to include theory, application, and depth of reflection and research. Occasionally, the title of a course has been chosen to broadly describe the course content. Please do not make any assumptions about the course based on the title or your preferences for learning a subject. As a Dual Enrollment student, you should communicate with the instructor to gauge your ability to meet these requirements within the first 2 days of the course--prior to census--giving you time to select another option if you believe the course requirements might extend beyond your current level of learning. Course expectations will neither change nor be amended for you as a Dual Enrollment student since courses are designed to meet certain learning objectives and produce specific learning outcomes.
The Vocatio program requires that all students in the traditional program attend 10 chapel (worship) and five convocation (academic) events each semester as a requirement for graduation. Chapel and convocation programs focus on the general education core themes of Inquiry, Character, Citizenship and Wellness.
Chapel/Worship Services: Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., students, faculty, and staff gather for chapel. In order to prepare for chapel events, Wednesday classes end early at 9:45 a.m., and students will not be excused earlier than 9:45 a.m. for participation or leadership in convocation events. The attendance policy and schedule of programs are available through the Office of Student Development.
Convocation/Academic Events: Convocation events are offered in numerous forums throughout the academic year at the initiative of faculty in the traditional program. The schedule of events is available through MyBC under the Student tab, and then by clicking on the Student Life icon. Attendance for convocation events is tracked by the Office of Academic Affairs, and the schedule of programs is governed by the Faculty’s Student Development Committee.
Anyone with a Bluefield College email address may sign up for a FREE account at Grammarly.com/edu. Visit Grammarly.com/edu and select the sign up button. When prompted, complete the sign up form using your BC email address. An activation link will be mailed to your BC email address and you must use that link to finish your registration. After completing this step your account setup is complete. If you have trouble, please go to the link titled “Instant Writing Help” under the ACE quick link on myBC. Email ckieloch@bluefield.edu for additional help with Grammarly.
Bluefield College’s ACE (Academic Center for Excellence) is located on the lowest level of Rish Hall. Mrs. Brenda Workman, Director of Student Success, and the staff of ACE are available to assist with student needs. They connect students with tutors who can guide student learning and offer a variety of academic support services. Students may contact Brenda Workman at bworkman@bluefield.edu or by phone at 800-872-0175 ext. 4220. The ACE quick-link on myBC has a variety of study resources and information for all students.
Students may also receive assistance with most writing assignments by using the ACE Writing Lab for face-to-face appointments or by accessing the ACE Online Writing Lab. Face-to-face writing lab hours will be posted outside the ACE and also on the ACE social media pages. Students may email Brenda Workman (bworkman@bluefield.edu) about connecting with a face-to-face writing tutor if they cannot visit during lab hours.
Students may receive assistance with Math courses through the ACE Math Lab. Math lab hours will be posted outside the ACE and also on ACE social media pages. Students may email Brenda Workman (bworkman@bluefield.edu) about connecting with a math tutor if they cannot visit during lab hours.
This course is heavily technology and web based. Much of the course content will be covered on this wiki and all of your work will be submitted through your wiki or via "Safe Assign" on Blackboard. As such, competency and comfort with these technologies is absolutely vital to success in this course. If you need help with this, ask for it.
The Confident Communicator program is focused on intentional writing instruction at every level from freshman to senior. Nearly all courses at Bluefield College, regardless of subject matter, will include the same learning objective: students will demonstrate proficiency in Confident Communicator skills, increasing in complexity each year. Students who graduate from Bluefield College will be able to produce written products that demonstrate proficiency in content, structure, language use, and mechanics so that they may be more effective graduates as they enter the workforce or continue their education. For more information, see your professor or contact Mrs. Crystal Kieloch, the program director (ckieloch@bluefield.edu)
Students with documented disabilities who desire accommodations should contact Mrs. Brenda Workman, Director of Student Success, as soon as possible after enrolling in a course. Her number is 800-872-0175 ext. 4220 and her email address is bworkman@bluefield.edu. Also notify the instructor at the beginning of this course that you are in contact with Mrs. Workman. Mrs. Workman will work with you and your instructor to develop an accommodation plan feasible for your course environment.
After reading this syllabus, please go to the Syllabus Contract Page (linked to the syllabus page on the wiki). If you agree to the terms and conditions of this syllabus, sign Syllabus Contract electronically before the second week of classes.
The instructor reserves the right to revise the syllabus and assignments during the course of the semester. All revisions to the syllabus, assignments and lectures will be posted on the course wiki in the appropriate places.
Revised 15 August 2016.
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